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We Take Care of Your Hospital NABH Accredation

We provides Accreditation for
  • Healthcare Organizations

  • Eye care Hospitals/ Clinics

  • Allopathic Clinics

  • AYUSH Hospitals

  • Blood Banks

  • Dental Health Care Service

  • Medical Imaging Services

 we provide services
  • Hospital Staff Training Program

  • Hospital Management Program

  • Laboratory Management Program

  • Customized Software for any Business

Additional Services
  • Hospital Register 

  • Hospital Forms

  • All Code Training

  • Sign and Posters

  • All SOP Training

  • Pathological Sample Testing

  • Microbiological Sample Testing

NABH Accreditation for Hospitals

National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a part of the Board of Quality Council of India. NABH was set up to establish and operate an accreditation programme for healthcare and wellness centres in India.


NABH Accreditation

NABH accreditation is a way for hospitals in India to implement standards and procedures with global benchmarks. NABH is a member of the International Society for Quality In Health Care (ISQUA), an international accreditation body in the areas of healthcare. As a member of ISQUA, NABH has joined a handful of countries that match and authenticate healthcare services to global standards. Thus, a hospital having NABH accreditation delivers services on par with global standard and serves as a boost to medical tourism in India.

Benefits for Hospitals
  • High-quality healthcare services delivery and patient safety.

  • Reduction in costs through improving operational efficiency.

  • Reduction in hospital infections, medical errors and accidents for resulting in reducing unnecessary stay at the hospital

  • Hospitals get better rates from insurance companies and government panels.

  • Regularly monitored results help the employees and other staff members to ensure better services to the patients.

  • Makes the hospital eligible for the service of global patients.


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